Monday, May 20, 2013

George Bernard Shaw - truths and blasphemies


“All great truths begin as blasphemies” – George Bernard Shaw.

George Bernard Shaw was the genius of the 20 C. He was a dramatist better known as GBS.
He looked at life different. He was not a conformist. So he could better the world.
His views and opinions on man matters were different from the conventional thinking and belief. He was criticized and enjoyed.
It is true that all great things begin as blasphemies. The truth that the earth is round was a blasphemy when it was first told. Many great inventions were criticized as tools of devil. In olden times, the church looked suspicious of all scientific theories. Still truth prevailed.
Jesus Christ was called a blasphemer by the Jews of the time.
Truth is always truth. No truth can be hidden or destroyed.
Truth need not be conforming to the present beliefs. Truth is not governed by beliefs of man. Truth needs no approval of man.
So all great truths begin as blasphemies. Time proves them the truth and others blasphemies.

Further reading: Reality and truth @

Professor Jacob Abraham                                                                            

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Martin Luther King - run if cannot fly

“If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t fun, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Worthy words spoken by a great man.
Life is a constant struggle to move on. One fails as long as he is moving forward. Failure is stopping the race.
Race of life does not demand a nonstop running. We may take rest. We may deviate from the main path.
In athletic race there is only one winner.
In life, all who finish the race are winners.
Running is success. Stopping is failure. This is the theory of winners in life. We might have fallen weak or sick. Failures might have weakened our strength. We had to take rest from running at different levels.
Do not worry. Continue the race. 
We are free to finish the race soon or later. We have freedom to select the speed of the race. Our strength and talents are never questioned in life.
Even death at the winning point is success.

Read more @

Professor Jacob Abraham                                                                            

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